Project Forms

At a minimum all projects require:

The forms should be filled out and signed before any research takes place. (Only Forms 1C, 5B, 7, and the abstract are done after the research.) The dates of the signatures reflect when the approval or consent is given. Please use MM/DD/YY format for all dates.

Society for Science Project Forms Page

Make sure your signature dates are correct!

BPS:  Before project starts

APE:  After project ends

  • Visit the Society for Science Project Forms Page
  • Find and download each form that is relevant to your project
  • Complete each PDF electronically or on printed paper
  • Obtain required signatures from your mentors, advisors, or teachers
  • Scan any paper copies
  • Send all of your forms electronically to our email address: badgersciencefair at gmail dot com

The submittal date is the last date that the forms will be accepted by BSSEF and that is March 1, 2025.